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Image by Brennan Martinez



Image by Matheus Ferrero

Men's  Ministry

Every Friday our men meet in the OFC for donuts and prayer at 7:00am. Also, on the first Sunday of every month, our men have a big, homecooked breakfast in our fellowship hall that starts at 8:30am. Also, our men have an adult men's corral that sings on Sunday mornings every now and then.


For those that prefer an evening get-together, we offer a Men's Bible study that meets online through zoom. Each study dives into the New Testament and goes chapter by chapter so as to get as much out of it as possible. The men also go on outings as well. 


If you would like to get plugged into any or all of these ministries, see the contact information below.

Contact: Christopher Setters

Three generations of women

Women’s  Ministry

Our women’s ministry is a great way for women to fellowship, serve the Lord, and spend time together. We have our Women on Mission group that meets on a Tuesday morning of every month to focus on local, state, an international missions. 


Also, once a month, usually on a Saturday afternoon, ladies of all ages go out and do fun things together. In the past we have gone to see Sherri from the Brant Hansen show, attended the Aspire Women’s Conference, gone out to eat at great restaurants, along with many other fun outings.


If you're a lady and would like to get plugged into this ministry, see the contact information below.

Contact: Sarah Baird or Debbie Wills or

Group Photo_edited.jpg

Senior's  Ministry

Not only do we have a number of Sunday School classes for seniors, but we also have our Senior Ministry called "Keenagers" because they are still "keen" on being active and having fun no matter their age.


Our "Keenagers" are a group of seniors 55+ years old that get together on the 2nd Friday of each month. We visit different places that are somewhat local and have lunch together afterwards. Most trips only require a little money and are perfect for budgets that may be a little tight.


If you are aged 55 or older and would like to get plugged into any of these ministries, see the contact information below.

Contact: Ann Mcdowell

Legs in Jeans

Student  Ministry

Our student ministry includes ages from infancy through High School.  Currently, our Childrens ministries, meets on Sunday at 9:15am-10:15am.  We also have choirs for children as well! Our "Sonshine Choir" consists of children from 4 years old-1st grade. Our King's Kids Choir is for kids for 2nd-5th grade. 


Our Youth Ministry meets on Sunday morning from 9:30am-10:15am and 6:00pm-7:30pm but are welcome to come in earlier to play video games, ping-pong, and foosball until the study begins. The Youth Ministry consists of grades 7-12 and they also meet on Wednesdays at the Outreach and Fellowship Center (16 Depot St. Walton KY 41094) from 6:00pm-730pm. Dinner is served for free for all who come. The youth also go on monthly field trips that are local and always fun!

Contact: Bobby Carr

Image by Meredith Spencer

Outreach Ministry

First Baptist Church of Walton's major outreach is the Walton Verona Community Food Pantry which operates out of the Outreach and Fellowship Center (OFC Building: 16 Depot St. Walton KY 41094). The Pantry is a cooperative effort of the Walton churches, with executive board members from the Baptist,
Christian and Methodist churches.  This outreach offers spiritual as well as nutritional support through prayer with clients, Bibles, tracts, etc. â€‹

The Food Pantry opens:

 Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:00 – 2:30 pm

(a quarterly drive through food distribution is also available.) 

Contact: Peggy Peebles


Using Laptop at Home

"Beyond" Special Needs Ministry

The Beyond Bible study group is a group for special needs young adults that have graduated (“beyond”) from high school.  We meet on Zoom for the Bible study from 6:30pm to 7:30pm each Wednesday night.


One Wednesday per month we meet in person for dinner and Bible study at a restaurant.   Every other month, we do an activity together such as bowling or putt-putt golf.  If you would like to participate, we would love to have you.  The Zoom link can be sent upon request. Please use the contact information below to get plugged in to this awesome ministry!

Contact: Martha Setters


Music Ministry

The purpose of the Music Ministry is to exhort, uplift, and encourage the body of Christ through song and worship. The Music Ministry encompasses the Praise Team, adult choir, and children’s choir. All are welcome to participate in any of the choirs.   


A key component of the Music Ministry is the praise and worship portion of the service on Sunday mornings or other functions when called upon by the pastor. The significance of praise and worship is of profound importance in the lives of the children of God.


If you would like to join any of our music ministries, please see the contact information below.

Contact Chris Setters


Operation Christmas Child

FBCW on average sends 1500 shoeboxes each year. Barb Schadler is the church's Project Leader; she has some ladies that work on them all year.  They sharpen pencils, make Tic Tac Toe games, remove packaging, fold socks, sew blankets etc. Our OFC Building is a Central Drop Off location and has been for 10 years. Barb Schadler arranges a packing party in October where the church comes together to pack 800 shoeboxes.  The other 700 boxes come from individuals packing their own and dropping them off. During collection week, we usually have 6 dedicated volunteers that help daily throughout the week, but a lot of others pop in and out. Please join us as we make just a small impact on the Kingdom of God by packing shoeboxes in the name of Jesus!

Contact: Barb Schadler

Restaurant Kitchen

Cooking  Ministry

Our hospitality crew that consists over about 5 people prepares meals for various church functions such as fellowship meals and various outreach dinners. This ministry uses food to bless people inside and outside the church walls!


If you would like to be a part of this ministry, please see the contact information below.


Paula Burden   859-468-2260
Delores Cheesman   859-356-9614

47 South Main Street, Walton KY 41094 |  |  Tel: 859-485-4191

 Opening Hours: Mon - Thu: 8:30am-4pm​

Friday: 8:30am-Noon

Saturday: Closed

​Sunday: 9:15am-11:30am, 6:00pm- 7:00pm

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