Bible Fellowship Groups
Discipleship Class
Led by Chris Setters, this class focuses on what Jesus' last command. . . to make disciples. This class meets on the second floor in choir room
Sanctuary Class
This class, led by Jim Stone is a group of people who love one another and seek to grow their faith one day at a time. This class meets on the second floor in room 204, a room offset of our choir room.
Open Arms Class
This class is led by Christopher Setters. This class is one of our largest as it opens its arms to anyone seeking to learn and to grow in their faith. This class meets in our fellowship hall.
Paul's Men
The Apostle Paul trained and equipped men that were instrumental in giving us what the church is today. This group, led by Tony Hawkins, focuses on learning about the different roles that God calls each of us to perform in God's Church. It meets in room 18 which is right inside the fellowship hall (entrance D).
Men's Class
This men's class is led by Rick Gayle. This class focuses on learning what it means to be a biblical man of God. It meets in room 104 which is on the first floor right off our Prayer Chapel.
Fidelis Class
The word Fidelis means "faithful" and in this women's class they seek and learn what it means to live a faithful Christian life. This class meets in room 101 and is taught by Sherry Jackson.
Friendship Class
This class led by Ann McDowell meets in room 105 which is a room off of our prayer chapel. This class is made up of more than just friends. It's made up of ladies who learn about what it's like to be a friend of Jesus.
Lyon's Den
This class, led by Wayne Morse is a group of people who love one another and seek to grow their faith one day at a time. This class meets in our prayer chapel located on the first floor in room 100.
Youth Class
Our youth department is led by Bobby Carr who is our Director of Student Ministry. The youth group consists of 7th-12th grade students and it meets on the second floor in room 210.
The youth group also meet in our Outreach and Fellowship Center (OFC across from the old local Library) on Wednesdays from 6:00pm-7:30pm. Meals are provided free for any who attend.

Children's Class
Our Children's classes consist of grades 1-4 and 5-6. They are led by Vernice Black and Danita Powell. We have around 20 kids each Sunday morning. The children's class meets on the 2nd floor in room 218 and 213.
During the worship service sermon time, our children's church service starts and lets out after morning worship service.

Pre-School Classes
Our pre-school department is led by Catalina Lawrence. It consists of four separate classes: Nursery, Toddlers, 2 to 3 year-olds, and 4 to 5 year-olds. The pre-school classes are on the first floor in rooms 112 and 114.
Also, there is a nursery for children who wish to attend during the morning worship service.